> 春节2024 > 大年初二演讲




Learning English well is a common goal for many people, but it\'s definitely not an easy task. However, with determination and the right strategies, anyone can become proficient in English. First and foremost, it\'s crucial to have a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary. These are the building blocks of the language and mastering them is essential. To achieve this, one can utilize various resources such as textbooks, language learning apps, and online courses. Additionally, engaging in daily conversations with native English speakers or practicing speaking with fellow learners can greatly improve oral communication skills.

Furthermore, reading extensively in English plays a pivotal role in increasing language proficiency. By reading a wide range of genres, individuals can enhance their vocabulary, comprehension, and overall language skills. Watching movies, TV shows, and documentaries in English is also beneficial as it helps develop listening skills and exposes learners to different accents and colloquial expressions. Moreover, participating in language exchange programs or studying abroad can provide an immersive environment for language learning and cultural understanding.

In conclusion, learning English well requires dedication, consistent practice, and the utilization of various effective learning strategies. By focusing on grammar, vocabulary, speaking, reading, and listening, individuals can overcome the challenges and achieve fluency in English.


Hello, teachers and classmates! Today, I would like to share with you an interesting topic that revolves around something we encounter every day - eggs. Yes, eggs! Although they might seem ordinary, these little wonders have a lot to teach us.

Let\'s start with the fragile nature of an egg. In our lives, we often encounter situations where we feel vulnerable or easily broken like an eggshell. But just like how an egg can protect its precious contents, we too can learn to protect and nurture our dreams, ambitions, and ideas. By developing resilience and determination, we can overcome obstacles and emerge stronger, just like a chick breaking free from its shell.

Another lesson we can learn from eggs is the concept of potential. Every egg holds the potential to become a life, whether it\'s a chicken, a bird, or another creature. Similarly, each one of us carries immense potential within ourselves. It\'s important to unleash that potential by setting goals, working hard, and believing in our abilities. Like a chick breaking out of its shell, we too can break free from limitations and reach new heights.

In conclusion, eggs might seem like ordinary objects, but they hold valuable life lessons for us. They teach us about resilience, protection, and the unlimited potential that resides within each of us. So, let\'s embrace the teachings of eggs and apply them to our own lives. Thank you!


How to Learn English Well? This question is often pondered by many students. Some believe that attending English classes and memorizing vocabulary lists are the only ways to master the language. However, there are more effective techniques to ensure success in learning English.

One vital step is to create an immersive learning environment. Surrounding oneself with English media such as books, movies, and music can greatly enhance language skills. Additionally, using technology-based language learning tools and apps can provide interactive and engaging experiences.

Another aspect to consider is the importance of practicing English regularly. Consistent effort and practice are key to improving fluency. This can be done through engaging in conversations with native speakers, participating in language exchange programs, or attending language clubs.

Lastly, it\'s crucial to adopt a positive mindset and enjoy the process of learning. Learning a language should be fun and exciting, not seen as a tedious task. By setting realistic goals and celebrating small achievements, motivation is reinforced.

In conclusion, learning English requires a holistic approach that involves creating an immersive environment, dedicated practice, and a positive mindset. By following these strategies, one can achieve proficiency in the language and open up a world of opportunities. Good luck on your English learning journey!


Good morning, classmates and teacher! Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that is relatable to all of us - discovering our own shining points. We all have unique talents, abilities, and qualities that make us special.

Let me share an example with you. Imagine a diamond hidden deep in the ground. At first glance, it may appear unremarkable, just like any other rock. But when it\'s discovered, cut, and polished, it shines brilliantly. Similarly, each one of us has hidden talents and capabilities that need to be recognized and nurtured.

By discovering our shining points, we gain self-confidence and a sense of purpose in life. It is important to explore different areas of interest and hobbies to uncover our true passions. Just like famous individuals who used their shining points to achieve greatness, we too can utilize our unique qualities and make a difference.

Remember, your shining points are waiting to be discovered. Embrace your individuality, have faith in your abilities, and let your brilliance shine through. Thank you!


Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Jack. Like many others, he had dreams and aspirations. However, he often found himself doubting his own abilities and questioning whether he could ever achieve his goals.

One day, Jack\'s teacher told him a story about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. The caterpillar was once just a small, insignificant creature crawling on the ground. But when the time was right, it spun a cocoon and transformed itself into a beautiful butterfly, capable of soaring through the sky.

This story resonated deeply with Jack. He realized that just like the caterpillar, he too had the potential to undergo a metamorphosis and achieve great things. From that moment on, Jack embraced the idea that setbacks and challenges were part of the journey towards success. He believed that every obstacle he faced was an opportunity to grow and learn.

As time went on, Jack worked hard, faced his fears, and overcame numerous obstacles. Gradually, he began to see his dreams materialize. He became a source of inspiration to those around him and proved that with determination and the right mindset, anything is possible.

The moral of this story is that in life, we may encounter hardships and setbacks, but it is through these experiences that we can grow and transform into something extraordinary. Don\'t be afraid to embrace challenges and believe in your own potential. Just like the caterpillar, you too can spread your wings and fly towards your dreams.


Coldplay is an English alternative rock band that was formed in London in 1998. The group, led by Chris Martin, has gained worldwide recognition for their captivating music and meaningful lyrics.

With numerous hit songs such as \"Viva la Vida,\" \"Yellow,\" and \"Fix You,\" Coldplay has touched the hearts of millions of fans across the globe. Their distinct sound, characterized by melodic tunes and introspective themes, has earned them critical acclaim and numerous awards.

But Coldplay\'s success goes beyond their music. The band has also been involved in various philanthropic efforts, supporting causes such as environmental conservation and social justice. Their dedication to making a positive impact on the world is truly commendable.

In conclusion, Coldplay is not just a band; they are a driving force in the music industry and a symbol of inspiration. Their ability to create beautiful melodies combined with their commitment to making a difference makes them one of the most influential bands of our time.


No.1 A Helping Hand

Once upon a time, in a block of apartments, there lived a man who believed in lending a helping hand. One day, he thought it was raining and put his head out of the window. To his surprise, he saw his neighbor struggling with bags of groceries in the scorching sun.

Without hesitation, the man rushed downstairs and offered to help his neighbor. With the man\'s assistance, the neighbor was able to easily carry the groceries to her apartment. Grateful for his kindness, she thanked him and offered him a refreshing glass of lemonade.

Through this simple act of kindness, a friendship blossomed between the two neighbors. They soon began helping each other in various ways, whether it was carrying groceries, watering plants, or offering a listening ear during difficult times.

This story teaches us the importance of extending a helping hand to others. It reminds us that small acts of kindness can lead to meaningful connections and make a significant impact on someone\'s day. So, let\'s always be ready to lend a helping hand and spread positivity wherever we go.


Last summer, I went on an exciting hiking trip with my friends. Initially, it was a good trip, filled with laughter and adventure. However, as we continued our journey, we faced unexpected challenges that tested our determination and strength.

During the hike, we encountered steep and treacherous terrains, unpredictable weather, and moments of exhaustion. It would have been easy to give up and turn back, but we persevered. We supported each other, encouraged one another, and conquered the obstacles together.

Through this experience, I learned that travel is not just about visiting new places and exploring different cultures; it\'s also about personal growth and pushing oneself beyond comfort zones. It taught me the value of resilience, teamwork, and the importance of embracing challenges.

In conclusion, traveling opens doors to new experiences and valuable life lessons. It allows us to discover our own strengths, build lasting friendships, and broaden our horizons. So, let\'s pack our bags, embark on new adventures, and let travel transform us into better individuals.


Today my topic is \"If I Can Be a Basketball Player\". Everyone has their dreams, and I\'m no exception. I have always admired basketball players and their incredible skills. If I had the chance to become a basketball player, it would be a dream come true.

Basketball is not just a sport; it\'s a way of life. It promotes teamwork, discipline, and physical fitness. As a basketball player, I would strive to be a role model for others, inspiring them to pursue their passions and never give up.

Moreover, being a basketball player would allow me to travel the world, meet new people, and experience different cultures. It would be an opportunity to showcase my skills and bring joy to fans around the globe.

While becoming a professional basketball player is not an easy goal to achieve, I firmly believe that with hard work, dedication, and the right mindset, anything is possible. So, let\'s aim high, chase our dreams, and make them a reality!


No.1 A Helping Hand

Once upon a time, in a block of apartments, there lived a man who believed in lending a helping hand. One day, he thought it was raining and put his head out of the window. To his surprise, he saw his neighbor struggling with bags of groceries in the scorching sun.

Without hesitation, the man rushed downstairs and offered to help his neighbor. With the man\'s assistance, the neighbor was able to easily carry the groceries to her apartment. Grateful for his kindness, she thanked him and offered him a refreshing glass of lemonade.

Through this simple act of kindness, a friendship blossomed between the two neighbors. They soon began helping each other in various ways, whether it was carrying groceries, watering plants, or offering a listening ear during difficult times.

This story teaches us the importance of extending a helping hand to others. It reminds us that small acts of kindness can lead to meaningful connections and make a significant impact on someone\'s day. So, let\'s always be ready to lend a helping hand and spread positivity wherever we go.